Christ Centered Championsā„¢

Not an event…It’s a way of life!

“For we are more than CHAMPIONS through Him who loved us.” Romans 8:37

1. What is Christ Centered Championsā„¢?

Mission Statement

It is the mission of Christ Centered Championsā„¢ to offer its resources at no cost to the global church for the purpose of evangelizing, discipling, and multiplying through individual and team activities.

Winning, Teaching, and Multiplying through SportsChampions through Him who loved us...Romans 8:37Some planted, some watered, but God gave the increase...1 Corinthians 3:6


In mid 2010, a group of our Super Evangelists were working in Cambodia and were given the challenge to be creative in attracting people to hear the Gospel. So they picked up a soccer ball and went to an empty field and began kicking it around. Before long the small crowd of 10 turned to 50 and continued to grow. The evangelists presented the Gospel and new believers were added to His Kingdom. Not knowing exactly what God had planned, the evangelists contacted our headquarters for help. Missionaries from different countries were invited to share ideas at our Christ Centered Missions in Atlanta Texas and the ministry was birthed. It was crucial to hold fast to Biblical doctrine, while at the same time, allowing each geographic region to be able to make program changes based on their culture and predominant non-Christian religions also working in their regions.


2. What positions are needed?

Review the different positions needed around the world and determine what position you would like to inquire about and shoot us an email. If you are a Coach ready to register your team or a Team Member and want to join a team, register here.


We are looking for mature stable Christians to be ā€œCoordinatorsā€ for different regions of the world. Most of the time a region would mean country, but some countries are so large either by population or geography that multiple ā€œCoordinatorsā€ are needed. The “Coordinators” oversee the Managers. If you are interested, then email us here.


In regions where the need exists to separate teams due to geography or large amounts of Team Members, a “Manager” can be added. They are not needed if the Coordinators can provide oversight to all the Coaches. If you are interested in being a ā€œManagerā€ then email us here and we will forward your request to the regional Coordinator in your area.


Some regions already have Coordinators and Managers ready to assist. They are looking for ā€œCoachesā€ to train that will be responsible for different local teams. The ā€œCoachā€ will be the one leading the local team. If you are interested in being a ā€œCoachā€ then email us here and we will forward your request to your regional Coordinator or Manager.


“Assistant Coaches” assist the Coaches with Team Members especially if there is a large amount of members. Many times the “Assistant Coaches” are parents or family of Team Members. Email us here if you are looking for a team to help and we will forward it to a Coach in your local area.


Coaches are responsible for being creative in getting members recruited from their regions. ā€œTeam Membersā€ are presented the Gospel message at each sports gathering. Saved or not they still may begin the discipleship program while further seeds are being planted into their lives. If you are looking for a Team to join then email us here and we will forward your request to the Coach in your region.