Weekly Lesson 29


This past week a couple of our devotionals talked about leadership. Let us talk a more in-depth look at what that means to us. We all want to be a good team player on God’s team. That means Jesus can have us all serve Him in different ways and roles. In most sports, there is a team Captain or leader. There are Head Cheerleaders, defensive Captains, offensive Captains, Band Leaders, Drill Team Captains, and others. Christ has a role for you and me; it could be Evangelist, Teacher, Pastor, Song Leader, Choir Member, Deacon, Elder, Greeter, Nursery Worker, etc. in all of these roles or positions serve Him as when they serve His Church.

Leader’s Responsibilities

Second Timothy 3:16-17, “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.”

“Being a leader” doesn’t mean you were born with leadership knowledge and skills. Developing leadership skills is learned. While some people may have more confidence than others, it does not automatically make them a leader. History proves that anyone can learn to be a leader. As a Christian, you will play a massive part in the lives of others.

“Being a Leader” does not make someone good. Many of the best leaders in history simply “led” themselves, but they influenced millions or even entire generations of people around the world through their great individual choices. A leader can make decisions for themself, stand up to peer pressure, and set a personal Godly form of behavior.

5 Qualities of a “Leader.”

A “Leader” says, “Yes, I Can!”
A good leader knows there will be people throughout their life who will tell them they CAN NOT do or be something. A good leader stays focused on Jesus. They will remain positive no matter what the people around them say or do. A leader will withstand peer pressure and make good choices for themselves and others.

A “Leader” will face problems and overcome them.
Our lives will be full of challenges; however, many people call them “problems,” and therefore, their magnitude overcomes them. A good leader will avoid using the phrase “I Can’t.” It makes it too easy to give up. They see the importance of success and learn to say, “Yes, I Can.” There is another essential element in their character. They know they need to ask different or better questions to find more answers. Every challenge can serve as an opportunity to learn a new lesson. Jesus is there to help you in every situation.

A good “Leader” knows to “Never give up; we call this is Perseverance.
The easiest path is not always the one to follow. Whenever the way gets hard, it is easiest to stop or give up. Quitting is easy. It’s a habit that we all learned as children. If you have that habit already, with the help and love of Jesus, it can be! You need to know even though you are young, Jesus will help you learn the power of building positive habits in your life.

A good “Leader” Will learn from their mistakes and keep going. It’s called commitment.
Mistakes or failures are part of everyone’s life. We often learn more from our mistakes or failures than we do from our success. Jesus’ disciples had many failures and made many mistakes. Except for Judas, they all became great Leaders because they were committed to following Him. Leaders are their best when they are not beaten down by their mistakes. Leaders learn to ask themselves two questions each time they make a mistake or fail: “What can I learn from this experience?” “How can Jesus use this in my life?”

A good “Leader” always gives their best! It’s called Excellence.
“EXCELLENCE” or doing your absolute best is a daily decision. It’s easy to be average. It takes trying hard every day to do your best. Good Leaders will do their best in everything they do. It’s not about being better than other people; it’s about making yourself do your best in everything you do and being the best follower of Christ, you can be.

Are you doing your best to follow Jesus? Are you ready to let Him help you become a Leader?

Go to Romans Road to Salvation and/or Prayer of Rededication

Christ Centered Champions

Christ Centered Champions

We are more than champions through him who loved us. Romans 8:37