Weekly Lesson 39


In last week’s lesson, we talked about being an Overcomer. We discussed the steps it takes to do so. We found out He wants everyone on His team to have the ability to be an Overcomer because we are to follow the example of Christ and His command to tell others about Him.

When we become Overcomers, we are ready for God to assign us our position. Are you ready? The number one position God has on His team is that of a Soul Winner! And guess what? We all have been given that position.

One of the greatest joys we can have as Christians is the joy of leading others to Christ.

The Bible says, “ā€¦he that wins souls is wise” (Proverbs 11:30).

Think about it! You and I can be God’s instruments for winning our friends, relatives, and others to Christ. Why is it so important to learn how to win others to Christ? Because of the value of a human soul. God values the souls of men so highly that He sent His Son to die on the cross that men might be saved.

When we see how precious every person is to God, we will do all we can to win them to Christ. Always remember that every person will live foreverā€”either in the blessings of Heaven or in the unspeakable miseries of hell.

Always remember that every person will live foreverā€”either in the blessings of Heaven or in the unspeakable miseries of hell.
Remember, this is the most important position on the team, and we all have been given this position.

Read and explain the Romans Road to Salvation. Give everyone a copy for themselves to learn and memorize.

Go to Romans Road to Salvation and/or Prayer of Rededication

Christ Centered Champions

Christ Centered Champions

We are more than champions through him who loved us. Romans 8:37